StreamLink Software provides nonprofit organizations with web-based management software that increases operational capacity and efficiency. Our philosophy is to maximize the value of every dollar a nonprofit organization has, increasing its ability to accelerate its mission.
Was:Board management platform, with tools designed to increase organizational efficiency and resources for non-profit organizations big and small.
Giver's Circle Fundraising Software is fundraising software from Osnium that helps organizations manage board members, supporters, pledges, online tasks and even staff.
Was:Osnium provides secure, scalable, personalized, intuitive and highly cost effective fundraising and case management software solutions to the non-profit industry. Their customers include Big Brothers Big Sisters of Morden-Winkler and Portage la Prairie (MB, Canada), Nova Vita Domestic Violence Prevention Services (ON, Canada), The Women’s Shelter Program of San Luis Obispo County (CA, USA) and the Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (OK, USA).
A fundraising tool that helps you manage your donors, prospects, board members, foundations, volunteers and any other entities that are involved with a nonprofit organization.
Was:A Fundraising tool that helps you manage your donors, prospects, board members, foundations, volunteers and any other entities that are involved with a nonprofit organization.
A web-based collaboration tool geared specifically toward committees and boards, it allows you to easily create and share agendas, minutes and documents as well as schedule meetings and notify members.
Was:A web-based collaboration tool geared specifically toward committees and boards, it allows you to easily create and share agendas, minutes and documents.
Software tools that nonprofits can use to support and manage their board of directors
Was:Here is software nonprofits use to manage their board of directors
Web-based tool for assembling board books.
Was:Web-based board-of-directors portal.
Here is software nonprofits use to manage their board of directors
Was:Here is software organizations can use to manage their board of directors