Add to my contacts Tim Wescott
Social Source Commons Product Manager at
Aspiration in
San Francisco, CA
Tim Wescott's Toolboxes
Aspiration's Communication Toolbox created by Tim Wescott
Tools Aspiration uses for communication amongst ourselves and with everyone else.
GIS Tools created by Tim Wescott
Tools that have helped create noteworthy GIS (Geographic Information Systems) projects in the Nonprofit realm, with links and descriptions of these projects.
Hip Web Design Tools created by Ben Mauer
The best web design tools, fully buzzword compliant.
Hosted RSS Feed Readers created by Tim Wescott
Web-based RSS readers.
Tim's SSC Info-Finding Tools created by Tim Wescott
Tools Tim uses to find new information and updates for tools, as well as new tools for SSC.
Tim's SSC Testing Tools created by Tim Wescott
Tools Tim uses for Testing SSC
Top 10 social networking tools for activists created by Ruby Sinreich
Originally developed April '06. Needs updating. See original list.
Video Sharing created by orientromance
tagged: video -
Web-based Calendars created by Tim Wescott
Hosted calendar solutions
Web-based Contact Managers created by Tim Wescott
Hosted contact management services.