Tim Wescott

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Social Source Commons Product Manager at Aspiration in San Francisco, CA

Tim Wescott's tools tagged with 'HIPAA'

all tools tagged 'HIPAA'
  • 1550 Tiger in 0 toolboxes
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    Physician practice management software.

  • 7315 Online Data Manager in 1 toolbox
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    Deliver More Mission.
    You get out of bed every day to change lives in a world of unlimited need, scarce resources and growing expectations. At CTK, we get out of bed every day to help nonprofits serve more people with every hour, program and dollar. Serving more than 150,000 users in 18,000 organizations over the course of 15+ years, we believe powerful yet easy-to-use web-based software should be within everyone's reach – empowering directors, staff and stakeholders to track what matters, collaborate with ease and prove every impact.