Add to my contacts Tim Wescott
Social Source Commons Product Manager at
Aspiration in
San Francisco, CA
Tim Wescott's tools tagged with 'polling'
CitySoft in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxCitySoft has a web-based software platform - known as Community Enterprise - offering a full suite of integrated modular services.
Text The Mob in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxProject polls or message boards on a large screen, have everyone send their input via their cell phones and see results instantly!
The Decider in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxA very simple site that helps groups to make decisions online. It enables the creation of “issues” (e.g. how should we spend this £1000?) and “options” (e.g. i) go on holiday ii) put it in a saving account iii) other). Users can then vote on how good they think each option is and/ or create a new option.
4Q in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPolling plugin for blogs.