Add to my contacts Tim Wescott
Social Source Commons Product Manager at
Aspiration in
San Francisco, CA
Tim Wescott's tools tagged with 'free'
PHProjekt in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAn open source groupware suite.
tagged: calendar, free, group, groupware, mailclient, management, opensource, project, share, timecard -
Debian in 38 toolboxes
add to my toolboxLinux distribution with a very strong community
tagged: apc, DEB, debian, distribution, distro, free, GNU, Linux, opensource, operatingsystem, server, ubuntu -
FileZilla in 59 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree FTP client software.
Picasa in 55 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPicasa is software that helps you instantly find, edit and share all the pictures on your PC. Picasa also makes advanced editing simple, and makes it easy to share your pictures; you can email, print photos home, make gift CDs, and even post pictures.
tagged: album, digitalcamera, digitalpictures, edit, editing, free, GIF, google, graphics, image, imageediting, images, jpeg, JPG, lasatech_photos, photo, photoalbum -
Dotproject in 7 toolboxes
add to my toolboxDotproject is a LAMP-based project management tool for the web
tagged: collaboration, free, management, opensource, project, projectmanagement, resources, scheduling -
apache in 62 toolboxes
add to my toolboxindustry standard open source web server
AVG Free Edition in 42 toolboxes
add to my toolboxInexpensive antivirus software for up to five computers.
AWStats in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree open source web site traffic analysis software.
FileZilla Server in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree FTP server software.
FreeDB in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree database of music CD metadata.
Google Calendar in 76 toolboxes
add to my toolboxA free web-based calendar.
Google in 105 toolboxes
add to my toolboxGoogle is the quintessential search engine.
Google Groups in 31 toolboxes
add to my toolboxHosted web/email/usenet discussion groups.
tagged: discussion, email, free, globalmelt, google, lists, management, newsletters, project, usenet, web -
Google Toolbar in 19 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAdd-in for Internet Explorer and Firefox, featuring pop-up blocker, spell-checking, and search engine.
HylaFAX in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree open source fax server software.
Ad-Aware in 12 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree anti-spyware scanner for Windows.
Outlook Express in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree email client included with Microsoft Windows.
Software Update Services in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree software to assist with the deployment of Windows updates. Will no longer be supported after December 6, 2006.
Windows Defender in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAnti-malware software for Windows.
Windows Server Update Services in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree software to assist with the deployment of updates for Windows, Office, and SQL Server.
Mollyguard in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxEvent management service with free and paid versions.
Hotmail in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxFree hosted e-mail service.
Spybot Search and Destroy in 20 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree multilingual anti-spyware software for Windows.
XnView in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxMultimedia viewer, converter and browser, free for nonprofit use.
Scalix in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree email server software with web-based interface for users and administrators.
GIMPShop in 7 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree graphics manipulation program similar to Adobe Photoshop.
SneeCalendar in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxThe SNEEcalendar community provides a free web calendar system for posting your organization's events and messages.
xVNC in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxxVNC is a free extension to tightvnc in vb6 visual basic that copies, installs, configures and executes and also removes the vnc system on/from a remote machine.
evite in 10 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree hosted event planning and invitation mailing website.
DotNetNuke in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxDotNetNuke is a Web Application Framework for creating web sites, intranets and extranets, and online publishing portals. It is similar to Plone or Drupal, but runs on ASP rather than PHP.
milter-greylist in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxmilter-greylist is a stand-alone milter written in C that implements the greylist filtering method to block spam.
WebHuddle in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree web conferencing tool that can make and record conference calls and online presentations.
tagged: conferencing, free, lasatech_meet, Online, opensource, teleconferencing, voip, web, webconference -
Babelfish in 24 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree language translator.
GeoBytes City Distance Tool in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxGeobytes' free City Distance Tool allows you determine the distance between two international cities with the click of a button.
Frank's Compulsive Guide to Postal Addresses in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxUse this Web site to find postal codes (if applicable) and other mailing guidelines for international addresses.
- in 3 toolboxes
add to my offers free, downloadable maps and flags from around the world. Ideal for finding graphics for international presentations. Additional features include a list of country and airport codes.
TravelNotes in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxTravel Notes™ guides visitors to essential travel information with detailed country backgrounds, reviewed web sites, and regular travel articles.
Trend Micro in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree online virus scan
LinkRSS in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxA new free web service that lets you create, store and syndicate your own custom RSS feeds from anywhere.
- in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxCreate a RSS feed that consists of articles and links from a number of different pages
HitRSS in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPublish and Host your RSS Feed for FREE
- in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxCreate a RSS feed that consists of articles and links from a number of different pages.
Feeds 2.0 in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPersonalized RSS aggregator.
Foonz in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree conference call service.
Jahshaka in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxCross-platform, open source, free, video editing, effects, and compositing suite. It is currently in alpha stage, supporting realtime effects rendering, but lacking useful features such as the non-linear editing system.