WPML in 3 toolboxes
crazypulsar using 6 tools
Open Translation Tools created by Allen Gunn
This is a collection of Free and Open Source (FOSS or FLOSS) software tools that support translation and localization of software and content.
These tools were mapped out and discussed by the participating projects at Aspiration's Open Translation Tools 2007 and Open Translation Tools 2009 events.
Please check out the wiki and participant video!
Tools tagged with ott07 and ott09 were represented at the respective events.
tagged: Amsterdam, aspiration, aspirationtech, checker, Croatia, dictionary, FOSS, free, glossary, interpretation, interpreting, language, localization, machine, mediawiki, memory, open, ott07, ott09, PO, source, spell, translation, UTF8, wiki, workflow, XLIFF, Zagreb -
opensourcecreative using 21 tools