Cyberduck in 27 toolboxes
Aaron using 50 tools
Systems Analyst at American Friends Service Committee in Philadelphia, PA
Ali using 9 tools
Anna Jacobsen using 16 tools
Health Media Coordinator at The kNOw Youth Media in Fresno
Caroline Cragin using 33 tools
Intern at Aspiration in San Francisco
CTC VISTA Tools created by Matt Garcia
A sampling of tools that help CTC VISTAs get their work done.
tagged: america, Americorps, community, CTC, in, nonprofit, service, technology, to, vista, volunteers -
davechakrabarti using 23 tools
David Geilhufe using 25 tools
Program Manager at in Sunnyvale, CA
Dirk Slater using 17 tools
Program Manager at Tactical Tech in United States
Fabulous -
Free Software for the Desktop -- OSX Edition created by Amanda Hickman
Macintosh or OSX based desktop software that can help non-profits realize their mission and goals.
We're looking for tools that real organizations are using now, and for tools that non-profits could be using that they might not realize are ready for prime time.
This toolbox is part of the NonProfit Open Source Initiative's Free and Open Source Software Primer Project. Our goal is to maintain a living list of free and open source software tools and applicacations that can help non-profits and other civil society groups realize their goals and mission.
We invite you to contribute to this toolbox, and to check out our other toolboxes and help us keep them relevant as well.
Comments? Questions? See a tool that really doesn't belong? You can discuss this toolbox on our website.
ggaetz using 21 tools
Jane Zhang using 55 tools
Executive Director at TechSoup Canada in Toronto
Empowering Communities Through Technology -
Jordan Ramos using 142 tools
Karen Herzog using 71 tools
Co-Founder & Executive Director at Sophia's Garden Foundation in
Healing in Community™ -
Lena Zuniga using 57 tools
Sula Batsu in San Jose, Costa Rica and San Francisco, CA
M K using 28 tools
Macintosh Tools created by Robert Guerra
MacOS X Tools of interest
Matt Garcia using 28 tools
Community Manager at Aspiration in San Francisco, CA
Without me, it's just aweso -
Matt Holland using 24 tools
Online Director at TrueMajority / TrueMajorityAction in Burlington, VT
Morgan Sully using 30 tools
Online Community Manager at The National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture in San Francisco
Morgan's Web and Social Network Development Tools created by Morgan Sully
This small collection of tools is invaluable to the various kinds of work I do on the web: Wordpressing, Drupalling, Twittering and social networking.
rchk using 110 tools
sjdepaul using 77 tools
Some Free and Open Source Web Design Apps created by Matt Garcia
I am not a web developer/designer BUT I do dabble a lot for my job. Here are some of the tools that get me by and let me pretend I know how to hack the interwebs.
Tarik using 174 tools
Tools I use to Manage SSC created by Matt Garcia
These are the tools that I have to use in order to be the best SSC Community Manager that there is. Whether it be updating the WordPress blog with Cyberduck or chatting on Adium about Google Analytics, these tools help my world go 'round.
Web Development created by Jeremy Clarke
My tools for coding and designing web sites (php, xhtml, css)
Zac Mutrux using 32 tools
Owner at Sarai in San Francisco, California, USA
Technology guidance, support and management.