Jordan Ramos

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Jordan Ramos' tools tagged with 'video'

all tools tagged 'video'
  • 7146 VLC for Android in 1 toolbox
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    Plays all files, in all formats, like the classic VLC.
    Audio and video media library, with full search.
    Support for network streams, including HLS.
    Supports Android from version 2.1 (platform-7).
    Supports ARMv6, ARMv7 and ARMv7+NEON.
    Subtitles support, embedded and external, including ASS and DVD subtitles.
    Multi audio or subtitles tracks selection.
    Multi-core decoding, for Cortex-A7 A9 and A15 chips.
    Experimental hardware decoding.
    Gestures, headphones control.