X-Chat in 8 toolboxes
Brylie Oxley using 64 tools
Data and Systems Coordinator at Nonprofit Technology Network in Portland, OR
Fran Boon using 83 tools
Deputy International Support Manager at Oxfam GB in Oxford, UK
Free Software for the Desktop -- GNU Linux Edition created by Amanda Hickman
GNU/Linux based desktop software that can help non-profits realize their mission and goals.
We're looking for tools that real organizations are using now, and for tools that non-profits could be using that they might not realize are ready for prime time.
This toolbox is part of the NonProfit Open Source Initiative's Free and Open Source Software Primer Project. Our goal is to maintain a living list of free and open source software tools and applicacations that can help non-profits and other civil society groups realize their goals and mission.
We invite you to contribute to this toolbox, and to check out our other toolboxes and help us keep them relevant as well.
Comments? Questions? See a tool that really doesn't belong? You can discuss this toolbox on our website.
gforgx using 10 tools
Krrypton using 134 tools
Maggie Verster using 44 tools
What comes around goes around- so spread some learning!!! -
Michelle Murrain using 83 tools
Independent Consultant at Oakland, CA
Zen and the Art of Getting Your Website Done -
Rudi von Staden using 36 tools
Project Manager at Ungana-Afrika in Pretoria, South Africa