Jeremy Clarke

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Web Specialist at GlobalVoices in Montreal, Canada
php, html, css

Jeremy Clarke's tools tagged with 'editor'

all tools tagged 'editor'
  • 3940 TacoHTML in 1 toolbox
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    Very simple but elegant HTML code editor for OSX. It is similar to a normal text editor but does font coloring for html and offers different ways of previewing your work as you go. This means it is great for writing html pages, but even better for writing blog posts etc. For those who can write blog html but enjoy a live preview, this is a useful tool

    tagged: editor, HTML, text, web
  • 5856 Fraise in 2 toolboxes
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    Previously Smultron, Fraise is a fork of the amazing open-source code editor for OSX

    tagged: code, CSS, editor, HTML, OSX, php, text, web